Ber-thday was a blast!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

and this lion agrees :)

Before composing this entry, I took the time to check on my post from 2014. Turns out, I didn't have a proper entry! So now, I wanted to make sure I write something about it since it has been a really awesome year. It is, probably the best one, so far. 

Yes, I've probably gained a few (?!) pounds, couple of age lines and had puffier eyes but I did also gain a lot new experiences and leanings; I've also learned to welcome something new in my life.- I did, however, had to sacrifice time for social life and cosplay events/shoots.

As I continue to get old or let's say, mature, I realize that there are more ways to be happy. And though I have more serious stuff in my mind right now, that doesn't mean that I have to leave out things that make me happy. Hopefully, by the end of this year, my plans would materialize. I hope you continue to support my future plans! I do apologize for many of the schedules I had to decline/reschedule. :(

I've been out and about this year too. Imagine, I was finally able to go to Japan. Honestly, right now, I still can't believe it happened. But I'm also dying to go back and stay a little longer. :) Aside from this, I did get a lot of opportunities thanks to my hobby. Late August, I was invited by Daiso Japan PH to be part of their store opening in Shangri-La. Earlier this month, I had the chance to see myself on TV (weee!) and just recently, was part of a promotional video for a movie. These latter ones were not possible if not for Alodia so really, thanks for inviting me!

To the most understanding usagi in the world, thank you for everything :') I've never met anyone whose been that patient and supportive with everything, it's overwhelMING! To my friends, thank you for keeping up with my crazy self, my happy-go-luck self and most especially, my in-a-very-bad self. To my family, whose always been supportive of everything I do, no matter how silly it is, you're still there. To the sweet people who don't get tired of seeing my face at Ozine Maid Cafe, thank you so much! Feel so touched all time :)

In a nutshell, it has been one hectic but amazing year. Happy __ to me! (And no, I still won't tell you what my age is) :P

Please also watch these videos :3

A year older, andI wish for more food, less lbs. Is that even possible? Haha!

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  1. I was able to watch you on Showtime~ Happy Birthday! :3 More blessings to come!!!~


    Razel Ann

  2. Happy Ber-thday! I saw you on Showtime and you look so cute! ^_^
