Have a break, have coffee.

Saturday, May 07, 2016

Haven't blogged in a long time. I blame my poor time management and prioritization skills for it. The past few months have probably been the most stressful days of my life. Honestly, I still feel lost and I'm not really sure if the things I'm doing right now are really the things I want to do. I've always committed to everything before, I don't know why I haven't done the same lately.

Lately too I realized (the hard way) that this is indeed a cruel world and there are people who aren't that nice. The good thing is, I still have a handful of people who push me to be the better person, and continue doing what I do best.

And so on that note, I decided to learn more and treat every negative experience as a time for learning. People aren't nice, but that shouldn't stop me from doing what I should do. 

Keep smiling, keep learning Leny Ming! / see that rhymed! / 

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  1. Hi.. I agree with what you said.. This is indeed a cruel world but that shouldn't bring you down.. I also experience these things and met people who are not nice at all.. But that should not stop you from doing what you want and it's like you said to treat each negative experience to learn and move forward and to continue what to do..
    Keep fighting the good fight.. :)

    1. Yeah, just keep fighting! :)

    2. I agree!! Just keep fighting! Anyway, I like the content of your blog! It's cute! :)
