Whereabouts // 1

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

I haven't written anything for more than a month. Was I so busy? Not much. But I was mostly thinking about my future and my current state. Sometimes, I couldn't help but compare and wonder where would I be right now if I had made wiser decisions in the past. Then again, mistakes are the best life lessons. And who would be the one to take risks but myself, right?

On days which are pretty laid back, I play online games, catch up with series and eat *yes, I've gained a few more lbs in the past month*. These are reasons why I couldn't schedule any cosplay/fashion shoots. Maybe if I get back to my healthy lifestyle (eating right + exercising often), I wouldn't think of so many serious stuff. What do you think?

So where have I been? Here are some highlights:

Finally, a well-deserved upgrade! I'm no hardcore gamer, but I need something that can support Sims 4 and Dota 2, hence this baby. 💕

First time to go inside a Chinese temple. And lookie, turtles! 

Spent a day in Nobu. Few days before facing 2-day stress XD

Always wanted these however they're too pricey. And since I'm a wiser spender now, I took a photo of it instead.

The shape is cute! I like this more than my previous one (from Canmake).

I also became one of the Yass app influencers! Got an H&M gift card from them too, thank you for the trust guys! 

Had the tips of my hair colored blue. Look how nicely it's fading now. 💖

And lastly, my chubby baby Miggy has joined the wonderful pets in animal heaven. It was very painful but I know he tried his best to stay. Rest well, baby. :')

I have 4 more Winter Whites now. They were supposed to be new friends of Miggy but he passed away just the following day. :(

And so that's basically a quick update about me. I have a few more lined up in the coming days. I hope that I'll be able to write regularly starting today. 

Oh, and if you guys have a migme account, make sure to check out my profile. Please also register for an account here.

✿ ❀ 

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